PPTL Deposits
Get 100 PPTL Tokens When You Register an account on PIPX. This offer is for the first 1,000 people to join PIPX.
The first 1,000 people who open the PIPx exchange account, create their Piptle exchange wallet address and email us the details will receive 100 free PPTLs.
Conditions Apply – must have unique email address, unique mobile, must reply to an SMS message and email back a questionnaire that will be sent out.
To receive your exchange allocated PPTL tokens do the following:
- Register an account on the PIPX exchange
- Sign in and select Wallet from the menu. Your wallet and all the tokens on PIPX display.
- Scroll down to PIPTLE.
- Select DEPOSIT. The Deposit PIPTLE window displays.
- Select GENERATE. Your PIPTLE wallet is created and the address and QR Code displays.
- Copy this address and enter it into the PIPX Exchange PPTL Deposit Address field below.
- If you have not done so yet, complete your KYC check by scanning the QR code below.
Attention PIPTLE Members
All PIPTLE Members who open a PIPX exchange account and register their PPTL exchange wallet address before the 15th of April will receive 20% of their initially purchased PPTL tokens that were provided with their selected membership level. Issuance of PPTLs will be done every Monday and Wednesday.
The balance of any PPTL tokens will be provided in a staked wallet with a release program over 12 months from February 2022.
We ask that all PIPTLE members please fill in your Piptle Club Username when filling in the above form. If you cannot remember your Username just type in Club Member.